Alaska Native Collections: Sharing Knowledge.(1909). Retrieved from the Smithsonian Institution. http://alaska.si.edu/media.asp?id=45&object_id=44.
Laughlin, W. (1980). Aleuts: Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
When I read the book called, Aleuts: Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge, I learned a lot about what the Aleut boys had to do before they hunted. Before the boys go out hunting, they have to go through a training process. During their training they will build up strength,courage,and logic. The boys had to do a lot of different techniques. One technique that they learned was an arm-twisting routine. They would have their uncle, father, or grandfather sitting behind them. They would gently pull the boys arm straight up past their shoulder to back of their head. This routine helps increase the boys casting of harpoons with throwing boards.
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