B.B.Torrey.(1978). Slaves of the Harvest. TDX Corporation.
Picture: Unit,6.G.(2006,August 15). Alaska Native Knowledge Network. Retrieved November 18, 2009, from ANKN: http://www.ankn.uaf.edu/.../chap.1-5.html
The Aleuts were alone on their islands until 1741, when a Russian ship discovered the Islands. The Russians quickly learned that the Aleutian Islands had fur seals and their fur alone were worth a lot of money. The Russians realized that they could enslave the Aleut people to make them kill the fur seals and take their fur. The Russians made money but never really spent any. they took the women and made them their wives but as for the men, they were the slaves that had to do all the work. The Russians made a lot of money this way and their home country and a lot of other countries around the world used these furs during the winter. The Russians made good money.
This experience for the Aleut men must have been terrifying like the Holocaust.
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